8 Yoga Mudras and their positive effects for beginner in 2023

Hello friends I am Artyom and welcome to our new website here you can read a lot of things like Yoga, Exercise, Challenges, and Habits. Here in this article, we will read about the top 8 yoga mudras and their positive effects, these yoga helps to increase immunity and relax the body. If you are learning something new skill, this article is about the learning of 9 Yoga Mudras if you like this article then please share it with your friends and families.

Here is a topic which is given below:

  • Prana Mudra
  • Gyan Mudra
  • Agni Mudra
  • Surya Mudra
  • Prithvi Mudra
  • Varun Mudra
  • Vayu Mudra
  • Shoonya Mudra
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion
8 Yoga Mudras and their positive effects for beginner in 2023

Prana Mudra:

Well, this is the first yoga mudra you should know about, this yoga, can help you to boost your immunity. It also improves vision and keeps the eye aliments away. To do this your hand should be straight then ring and a small finger fold and touch it to the thumb.

Gyan Mudra:

It is the second yoga mudra you should know about from this yoga, the body becomes more relaxed. It improves the focus of the mind. To do this your hand should be straight then forefinger fold and touch it to the thumb.

Agni Mudra:

It is the third yoga mudra you should know about from this yoga it will help you to speed up your digestion and thus, keep weight in check. It also fights the coldness of the body and keeps it aptly warm. To do this your hand should be straight then the ring finger fold and touch it to the thumb.

Surya Mudra:

It is the fourth yoga mudra you should know about yoga, it will reduce bad cholesterol. Promotes weight loss and enhances mental peace. Overdoing it may heat the body unduly. To do this your hand should be straight then the ring finger fold and touch it to the thumb.

Prithvi Mudra:

It is the fifth yoga mudra you should know about yoga, it brings a natural glow to the skin, relaxes the mind when you feel stressed out, boosts self-confidence, and increases mental resilience. To do this your hand should be straight then the ring finger fold and touch it to the thumb do this for at least 20 minutes.

Varun Mudra:

It is the sixth yoga mudra you should know about this yoga keeps the body hydrated and supple by regulating the water balance inside the body.

Vayu Mudra:

It is the seventh yoga mudra you should know about that yoga helps you balance air within the body. It therefore improves digestion and aids loss in weight.

Shoonya Mudra:

It is the eighth yoga mudra you should know because this yoga cures hearing-related problems and mental states too.


Apan Vayu Mudra: this will help you to cure acidity and indigestion, calm the mind, alleviate a migraine headache, and also can be helpful in relieving toothache.

Linga Mudra: this will help you to generate heat in the body, help the body cope with changing seasons, prevent the body from cold, and break accumulated cough thus, strengthening the respiratory system.


  • It will help you to do yoga.
  • This will help you to do more focus.
  • It will help to cure hearing problems and relax your mind.


  • You have to do at least 10 to 15 minutes.


Can anyone do this yoga?

Yes, anyone can do this.

Can we do this at home?

Yes, you can do it.


Hello friends thanks for reading this article and we hope it will help you to do yoga, if you like this then share it with your friends and families. Thank You and have a good day.

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